Finding Faith in the Face of Uncertainty

Reana McGuire
2 min readMar 22, 2020
Photo by Jackson David on Unsplash

Challenging times constrain us. We feel surrounded by obstacles that seem insurmountable. Our inner vision is saturated by darkness, and we feel uncertain of how to proceed when the world you once knew changes. Things are no longer predictable, and you don’t know how to move forward. Moreover, the current path you were on becomes derailed, and you have to figure out what’s next. What’s one thing you can always turn to? Faith.

Faith comes in many forms. Faith is universal and available to all of humanity, regardless if you are atheist or devoted to one religion or form of spirituality. But what exactly is faith? How can it be beneficial to you in the face of uncertainty?

Simply put, faith is believing that something will come through. Faith that you will get to the other side of the storm. Faith that somehow you will get through your situation and end up okay. Faith that you will be delivered from the temporary challenge. By having faith, you gain the inner strength and resilience to see yourself through the hardships.

How can one strengthen their faith? First, look at your past experiences. Reflect on moments where you were tried, but you came through and weathered the storm. See how this strengthened you for the better, granting life experience that fortified you. See the wisdom gained. Second, evaluate your forward-looking perspective. Acknowledge that whether things seem to be good or bad, they are temporary states. For long-standing hardships, see that they can change in months or years for the better. Things are always shifting and morphing. The world is always changing. Understand that nothing remains the same forever. Lastly, appreciate your own power within challenging times. We live in a world with many outer resources, and we can turn to our inner resources as well. Depending on your needs, there are non-profits, therapists, friends, and other forms of counsel and aid to turn to. We have the power to ask and search for help. You also can manage your inner world through optimism, self-care, inspiration, and expressing gratitude for all that is right and good in your world. Perhaps the situation calls for you to adapt and change somehow. Discover your inner resources to navigate through the terrain in the most healthy and optimal way.

Even if we don’t feel like we have the tools we need at the time, by rising to the occasion in the spirit of progress, we can discover new things. You may strengthen your religious or spiritual beliefs. You may refine your inner framework for navigating life. You may access depths of yourself that you never knew were there. Faith is a belief that acts as a fortifying elixir, carrying you forward into the vision of better days to come.



Reana McGuire

Reana writes about personal development, spirituality, life lessons, and exploring the realms of creativity and self-expression.